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Timeline properties

data(optional) List of timeline items to render. Each object in data can include all properties from Timeline.Item properties.
children(optional) Content of the component. Can be used instead of property data, by adding Timeline Item as children <Timeline.Item {...props} />.
skeleton(optional) Applies loading skeleton.
className(optional) Custom className for the component root.
Space(optional) spacing properties like top or bottom are supported.

Timeline.Item properties

title(required) Title of the Timeline item.
state(required) The component state. Options: completed | current | upcoming.
subtitle(optional) Subtitle of the Timeline item, displayed below the title. Also supports passing an array of subtitles. The subtitle is usually a date of the timeline item.
infoMessage(optional) Info message, displayed in a FormStatus of state info, below the subtitle if it exists.
icon(optional) Override icon displaying on the left side (Not recommended). Default: check for state completed, pin for state current, and calendar for state upcoming .
iconAlt(optional) Alt label describing the icon provided.
skeleton(optional) Applies loading skeleton.

Timeline.Item translations

More info about translations can be found in the general localization and Eufemia Forms localization docs.
